Journal articles:
Denice, Patrick, Jake Rosenfeld, and Shengwei Sun. 2024. “Pay talk in the contemporary workplace.” Social Forces, in press.
Oswalt, Michael, Jake Rosenfeld, and Patrick Denice. 2024. “Power and pay secrecy.” Indiana Law Journal 99(1): 43-125.
Preprint available at SSRN.
Choi, Kate H., and Patrick Denice. 2023. “Racial/ethnic variation in the relationship between educational assortative mating and wives’ income trajectories.” Demography 60(1): 227-254.
Denice, Patrick. 2022. “Spatial mismatch and the share of Black, Hispanic, and White students enrolled in charter schools.” Sociology of Education 95(4): 276-301.
Honorable mention, Best Post-PhD Paper Award, Sociology of Education Association
Choi, Kate H., Rachel Goldberg, and Patrick Denice. 2022. “Premarital cohabitation and marital dissolution: Differences by couples' joint race/ethnicity.” Demographic Research 46(33): 957-1006.
Editor’s Choice Award
Choi, Kate H., and Patrick Denice. 2022. “Socioeconomic variation in the relationship between neighbourhoods’ built environments and the spread of COVID-19 in Toronto, Canada.” Canadian Studies in Population 49: 149-181.
Sutter, Alana, Mamta Vaswani, Patrick Denice, Kate H. Choi, Joanie Bouchard, and Victoria M. Esses. 2022. “Ageism toward older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: Intergenerational conflict and support.” Journal of Social Issues 78(4): 815-841.
Denice, Patrick, Michael DeArmond, and Matthew Carr. 2021. “When schools open: Student mobility and racial sorting across new charter schools in Kansas City, Missouri.” Journal of Urban Affairs 43(10): 1468-1491.
Prior, ungated version published as Working Paper #237, National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Denice, Patrick. 2021. “Choosing and changing course: Postsecondary students and the process of selecting a major field of study.” Sociological Perspectives 64(1): 82-108.
Esses, Victoria M., Alina Sutter, Joanie Bouchard, Kate H. Choi, and Patrick Denice. 2021. “North American attitudes toward immigrants and immigration in the time of COVID-19: The role of national attachment and threat.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 697(1): 148-173.
Choi, Kate H., Patrick Denice, and Sagi Ramaj. 2021. “Vaccine and COVID-19 trajectories.” Socius 7: 1-11.
Choi, Kate H., Patrick Denice, Michael Haan, and Anna Zajacova. 2021. “Studying the social determinants of COVID-19 in a data vacuum.” Canadian Review of Sociology 58(2): 146-164.
Zajacova, Anna, Anthony Jehn, Matthew Stackhouse, Kate H. Choi, Patrick Denice, Michael Haan, and Howard Ramos. 2020. “Mental health and economic concerns from March to May during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: Insights from an analysis of repeated cross-sectional surveys.” Social Science and Medicine: Population Health 12: 100704.
Zajacova, Anna, Anthony Jenn, Matthew Stackhouse, Patrick Denice, and Howard Ramos. 2020. “Changes in health behaviours during early COVID-19 and socio-demographic disparities: A cross-sectional analysis.” Canadian Journal of Public Health 111: 953-962.
Denice, Patrick, Kate H. Choi, Michael Haan, and Anna Zajacova. 2020. “Visualizing the geographic and demographic distribution of COVID-19.” Socius 6: 1-3.
Denice, Patrick. 2019. “Trajectories through postsecondary education and students' life course transitions.” Social Science Research 80: 243-260.
Rosenfeld, Jake, and Patrick Denice. 2019. “What do government unions do? Public sector unions and nonunion wages, 1977-2015.” Social Science Research 78: 41-56.
Denice, Patrick, and Jake Rosenfeld. 2018. "Unions and nonunion pay in the United States, 1977-2015." Sociological Science 5: 541-561.
Denice, Patrick. 2017. "Back to school: Race and gender gaps in adults' participation in formal schooling, 1978-2013." Demography 54(3): 1147-1173.
Denice, Patrick, and Betheny Gross. 2016. "Choice, preferences, and constraints: Evidence from public school applications in Denver." Sociology of Education 89(4): 300-320.
Rosenfeld, Jake, and Patrick Denice. 2015. "The power of transparency: Evidence from a British workplace survey." American Sociological Review 80(5): 1045-1068.
Denice, Patrick. 2015. "Does it pay to attend a for-profit college? Vertical and horizontal stratification in higher education." Social Science Research 52: 161-178.
Recent policy reports and briefs:
Denice, Patrick, and Kamma Andersen. 2024. Postsecondary Enrollment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Rhode Island. Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public Education.
Sun, Shengwei, Jake Rosenfeld, and Patrick Denice. 2021. On the Books, Off the Record: Examining the Effectiveness of Pay Secrecy Laws in the U.S. Washington, DC: Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
Denice, Patrick, and Betheny Gross. 2018. Going the Distance: Understanding the Benefits of a Long Commute to School. Washington, DC: Education Policy Program, Urban Institute.
Gross, Betheny, and Patrick Denice. 2017. Can Public Transportation Improve Students’ Access to Denver’s Best Schools of Choice? Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington.
Rosenfeld, Jake, Patrick Denice, and Jennifer Laird. 2016. Union Decline Lowers Wages of Nonunion Workers. Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute.
Book reviews:
Denice, Patrick. 2021. Review of Noliwe Rooks’s Cutting School: The Segrenomics of American Education. Contemporary Sociology 50(3): 255-257.