Journal articles:
Denice, Patrick, Jake Rosenfeld, and Shengwei Sun. 2025. “Pay talk in the contemporary workplace.” Social Forces 103(3): 839-864.
Oswalt, Michael, Jake Rosenfeld, and Patrick Denice. 2024. “Power and pay secrecy.” Indiana Law Journal 99(1): 43-125.
Preprint available at SSRN.
Choi, Kate H., and Patrick Denice. 2023. “Racial/ethnic variation in the relationship between educational assortative mating and wives’ income trajectories.” Demography 60(1): 227-254.
Denice, Patrick. 2022. “Spatial mismatch and the share of Black, Hispanic, and White students enrolled in charter schools.” Sociology of Education 95(4): 276-301.
Honorable mention, Best Post-PhD Paper Award, Sociology of Education Association
Choi, Kate H., Rachel Goldberg, and Patrick Denice. 2022. “Premarital cohabitation and marital dissolution: Differences by couples' joint race/ethnicity.” Demographic Research 46(33): 957-1006.
Editor’s Choice Award
Choi, Kate H., and Patrick Denice. 2022. “Socioeconomic variation in the relationship between neighbourhoods’ built environments and the spread of COVID-19 in Toronto, Canada.” Canadian Studies in Population 49: 149-181.
Sutter, Alana, Mamta Vaswani, Patrick Denice, Kate H. Choi, Joanie Bouchard, and Victoria M. Esses. 2022. “Ageism toward older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: Intergenerational conflict and support.” Journal of Social Issues 78(4): 815-841.
Denice, Patrick, Michael DeArmond, and Matthew Carr. 2021. “When schools open: Student mobility and racial sorting across new charter schools in Kansas City, Missouri.” Journal of Urban Affairs 43(10): 1468-1491.
Prior, ungated version published as Working Paper #237, National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Denice, Patrick. 2021. “Choosing and changing course: Postsecondary students and the process of selecting a major field of study.” Sociological Perspectives 64(1): 82-108.
Esses, Victoria M., Alina Sutter, Joanie Bouchard, Kate H. Choi, and Patrick Denice. 2021. “North American attitudes toward immigrants and immigration in the time of COVID-19: The role of national attachment and threat.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 697(1): 148-173.
Choi, Kate H., Patrick Denice, and Sagi Ramaj. 2021. “Vaccine and COVID-19 trajectories.” Socius 7: 1-11.
Choi, Kate H., Patrick Denice, Michael Haan, and Anna Zajacova. 2021. “Studying the social determinants of COVID-19 in a data vacuum.” Canadian Review of Sociology 58(2): 146-164.
Zajacova, Anna, Anthony Jehn, Matthew Stackhouse, Kate H. Choi, Patrick Denice, Michael Haan, and Howard Ramos. 2020. “Mental health and economic concerns from March to May during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: Insights from an analysis of repeated cross-sectional surveys.” Social Science and Medicine: Population Health 12: 100704.
Zajacova, Anna, Anthony Jenn, Matthew Stackhouse, Patrick Denice, and Howard Ramos. 2020. “Changes in health behaviours during early COVID-19 and socio-demographic disparities: A cross-sectional analysis.” Canadian Journal of Public Health 111: 953-962.
Denice, Patrick, Kate H. Choi, Michael Haan, and Anna Zajacova. 2020. “Visualizing the geographic and demographic distribution of COVID-19.” Socius 6: 1-3.
Denice, Patrick. 2019. “Trajectories through postsecondary education and students' life course transitions.” Social Science Research 80: 243-260.
Rosenfeld, Jake, and Patrick Denice. 2019. “What do government unions do? Public sector unions and nonunion wages, 1977-2015.” Social Science Research 78: 41-56.
Denice, Patrick, and Jake Rosenfeld. 2018. "Unions and nonunion pay in the United States, 1977-2015." Sociological Science 5: 541-561.
Denice, Patrick. 2017. "Back to school: Race and gender gaps in adults' participation in formal schooling, 1978-2013." Demography 54(3): 1147-1173.
Denice, Patrick, and Betheny Gross. 2016. "Choice, preferences, and constraints: Evidence from public school applications in Denver." Sociology of Education 89(4): 300-320.
Rosenfeld, Jake, and Patrick Denice. 2015. "The power of transparency: Evidence from a British workplace survey." American Sociological Review 80(5): 1045-1068.
Denice, Patrick. 2015. "Does it pay to attend a for-profit college? Vertical and horizontal stratification in higher education." Social Science Research 52: 161-178.
Recent policy reports and briefs:
Denice, Patrick, and Kamma Andersen. 2024. Postsecondary Enrollment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Rhode Island. Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public Education.
Sun, Shengwei, Jake Rosenfeld, and Patrick Denice. 2021. On the Books, Off the Record: Examining the Effectiveness of Pay Secrecy Laws in the U.S. Washington, DC: Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
Denice, Patrick, and Betheny Gross. 2018. Going the Distance: Understanding the Benefits of a Long Commute to School. Washington, DC: Education Policy Program, Urban Institute.
Gross, Betheny, and Patrick Denice. 2017. Can Public Transportation Improve Students’ Access to Denver’s Best Schools of Choice? Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington.
Rosenfeld, Jake, Patrick Denice, and Jennifer Laird. 2016. Union Decline Lowers Wages of Nonunion Workers. Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute.
Book reviews:
Denice, Patrick. 2021. Review of Noliwe Rooks’s Cutting School: The Segrenomics of American Education. Contemporary Sociology 50(3): 255-257.