Selected recent media:
I co-authored a piece for Business Insider with Jake Rosenfeld and Michael Oswalt on how pay transparency laws fall short in curbing the culture of salary secrecy among employers (5/25/2023).
I spoke with Samuel Lucas on his podcast This Week in Sociological Perspective about my article “Spatial Mismatch and the Share of Black, Hispanic, and White Students Enrolled in Charter Schools” in Sociology of Education (8/15/2022).
In The Conversation, Kate H. Choi and I write about how neighborhoods have shaped the spread of COVID-19 in Toronto, and what this means for how cities should be thinking about the rebuilding process following the pandemic (1/10/2022).
Re-posted by the National Post, the Toronto Star, and the London Free Press.
Included as one of 15 papers to be discussed in the “Building Future Preparedness” session at the World Economic Forum (1/21/2022).
I was interviewed by Nathan Vanderklippe at the Globe and Mail about the drop in life expectancy due to COVID-19 in the US and Canada (12/22/2022).
A piece in The Conversation (with Kate H. Choi) explains how equal vaccination rates may be insufficient to adequately address the disproportionate rates of COVID-19 across neighborhoods and population groups (7/18/2021).
Covered by The Toronto Star (print edition, 8/19/2021, page A2)
Re-posted by the National Post, Western News, and Yahoo News
Kate H. Choi and I wrote an op-ed in The Conversation highlighting some of the demographic changes the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to bring (5/4/2021).
Re-posted by the National Post and the London Free Press
I was interviewed by twelve CBC radio stations about racial inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need for Canada to collect more and better race-based data (for one interview, see here; 11/18/2020).
Jake Rosenfeld wrote about our work with Shengwei Sun on the weakening workplace taboo discouraging employees from talking about their wages with one another in The Washington Post (9/6/2020).
My colleagues (Kate H. Choi, Michael Haan, and Anna Zajacova) and I published an op-ed in The Conversation about the disproportionate vulnerability to the COVID-19 pandemic of communities in Canada with high shares of racialized minorities (5/20/2020).
Re-posted by The London Free Press
Covered by: CBC (and here), The Western Gazette
See our working paper on which this op-ed is based.
I wrote a blog post for “Work in Progress,” highlighting findings from my work with Jake Rosenfeld on how unions boost the wages of non-union workers in the private sector (12/5/2018).
An article in the New York Times titled, "Britain Aims to Close Gender Gap with Transparency and Shame" by Liz Alderman, discussed my research with Jake Rosenfeld (4/5/2018).
Research with Jake Rosenfeld and Jennifer Laird on the decline of unions and pay stagnation was cited in an article in the New York Times (2/1/2018).
Chalkbeat Colorado (6/21/2017) and the Denver Post (6/22/2017) covered my research with Betheny Gross on the limits of public transit in expanding access to a city's highest-rated schools; Chalkbeat also reported on a related report from the Urban Institute to which I contributed (3/21/2017).
Jake Rosenfeld and I wrote about the share of union households voting for Trump in the 2016 election in a blog post for OnLabor (4/11/2017; re-posted by Daily Kos; covered by Politico).
An article in the New York Times discussed research on wage transparency with Jake Rosenfeld (4/7/2017).
I published a blog post on the geography of educational opportunity in Newark, NJ, with Michael DeArmond (3/29/2017; re-posted by EdNext).
The Society Pages highlighted my research with Betheny Gross on school choice (2/16/2017).
Former Vice President Joe Biden cited research on labor unions with Jake Rosenfeld and Jennifer Laird (9/1/2016).